Mosaic Mural progress

Another few weeks, another bit of progress on the massive project I’ve titled “The Horses of the Equamore Foundation”.
Here’s the step-by-step progress of the last few weeks on the Horses of Equamore mosaic mural.

Clay is rolled out, pieces traced from the earlier produced templates, and then cut to shape.
After the slab begins to set up a little more, detail can be added, shapes refined, and names stamped into the donor tiles.
Next the tiles are glazed with an underglaze, which differs from “regular” glaze, in that it goes on more like paint, can be applied before the clay is fired, and is mixable to create infinite colors.
Then the pieces are loaded into the kiln, fired to a bit over 1800F degrees, and allowed to cool. Then they are sprayed with a clear glaze to seal the underglaze and make them more durable and relatively impervious to dirt. They are reloaded into the kiln, and fired to a much higher temperature of 2100F+.
This is what the actual piece will look like, plus another 17 pieces the size of this one!

I started the next part yesterday. This is Flint, one of the rescued Percherons from Equamore.

I also presented the beginning of the mural at the Ashland Art Center on March 6th along with the 17 other receipients of the first annual Lloyd Haines Philanthropic Foundation Grants. We had a fabulous turn out and it was really fun to see how all the various artists had used their grants and how much it had enhanced their lives and their artistic journey.
My journey continues! I will try to keep you updated regularly through this process so you can share in the fun – and keep the cheerleading coming! I can use all the support 😉