Plants, flowers, sprouts, growing things of all kinds have been sources of inspiration to me for as long as I can remember. I used to collect seeds and seed pods by the grocery-sack full just to be able to run my hands through their cool smoothness. I would collect piles of winged maple seeds just so I could toss handfuls into the air and watch them helicopter back down to the earth. Every Spring, watching ferns unfurl and buds bloom…it is still to this day one of the most simple yet wonderous things one can witness. And then in the late summer when the blooms die back and the pods send out their seeds on perfectly designed bits of fluff…so amazing! The engineering of plants is spectacular to behold. This is my religion, nature.
Now you can own a little bit of “nature” yourself. Blooms that never fade in glass and/or ceramic, leaves that never brown up or die, cactus that flowers all year long!